The Ghosts of Grief: An Exploration of Gothic Influence in 2010s Horror Cinema


An obvious limitation of my work is I looked at only three films from the 2010s. While I was able to illustrate the cultural and societal connections in texts, a more comprehensive analysis would look at a greater number of films. Hundreds of horror films came out during the decade and it is possible that the trends I am focusing on were only significant in the films I selected. Additionally, I only looked at Western Hollywood cinema. The Babadook, The Invitation, and Crimson Peak are movies that I, an American audience member, watched and then compared to the cultural context in which I live. When I say 2010s horror cinema, I am referring to the Western motion pictures that I am familiar with based on my positionality. As I highlight in my Literary Review, the meaning of a film is created through the content, context, and audience interpretation of the message. Both the content and context of the movies are shaped by the influences of Hollywood filmmaking. Furthermore, my perception of the films is framed by my experience with the genre but also my position as an American viewer. It is important to acknowledge this limitation and my bias in order to express to my readers that my analysis is not all-encompassing. Rather, my findings can only be applied to a small portion of society and are not reflective of transnational cinema.  

Lastly, I looked at three films that utilize similar tropes, narratives, settings, and influences. Even within American filmmaking, there are numerous other types of horror films that explore vastly different stories. If I were to have compared, for example, a zombie film, a slasher, and a creature feature I most likely would have identified a different set of themes and conclusions. I intentionally chose films that I felt shared meaning, were similarly influenced by gothic horror, and used haunted house iconography and by doing so limited the elements I would be examining. As a consequence of my limitations, my findings should be seen as an example of how some instances of 2010s horror cinema tackle themes of isolation and prompt conversations about mental health.  

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